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Jumbi Undo: The Traditional Warm-Up of Goju-Ryu Karate

It is common practice in karate, as with any physical activity or sport, to perform warm-up exercises before training. In Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate, it is no different! There is a traditional method of performing a "warm-up" (note the quotation marks!), called Jumbi (or Yumbi) Undo.

Jumbi undo means preparatory exercises. Chojun Miyagi Sensei, a great scholar of the human body, was responsible for systematizing this form of training. Miyagi Sensei combined yoga exercises with others from karate, creating a preparation method so that the practitioner would be in top form to start the "karate training". But this system of body preparation goes far beyond simply a warm-up activity!

In jumbi undo, the practice of basic self-defense principles already begins [1], and it is the basis for improving karate techniques [2]. In addition, the exercises of jumbi undo prevent injuries and help develop speed and flexibility [2], attributes important for the proper application of the techniques.

The importance of jumbi undo becomes evident when we go back in time (another time travel!). There are reports that in the early days of karate, beginners had to practice jumbi undo for up to a year before being officially accepted into the dojo.

This form of training for Goju-Ryu workouts in Okinawa is one of the characteristics that distinguishes it markedly. We do not just perform a warm-up exercise, but we prepare with karate for the practice of karate itself. It may seem redundant, but that is it! Here is a flavour of jumbi undo performed by our world Chief-Instructor, T. Nakamura Sensei

IOGKF dojos are repositories of this ancient knowledge, practicing the form of jumbi undo as taught by Chojun Miyagi Sensei and passed to our masters. If you are interested, look for IOGKF dojos, an international organization dedicated to the preservation of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate.

Referências: 1-Nakamura T. Personal Communication in South American IOGKF Gasshuku 2022, Brazil. 2- Hiagaonna M. 1985. Traditional Karate-DO - Okinawa Goju Ryu Vol. 1 Fundamental Techniques. Sugawara Martial Arts Institute 169 p.

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